Virtuosity 11.11

Where words become worlds…

Who I write for…

Hello? Is anyone out there???

Writing a blog is strange because I can never shake this feeling that I’m writing and talking into a giant void. You’re in the dark, watching the swath of bright shining stars high above your head. The only way you can ever hope to touch one, is by figuring out the right combination of words to say. So every night, you whisper softly, and hope that a star heard you.

At the same time, your ears strain to hear the magic words that can make you shine brighter in the night.

The only think I know is that I can listen and I speak. I write my blog to reach out to other stars to let them know that they are not alone, and to remind them to keep shining. While I do it, I’m standing in the dark. The only words I hear are the ones coming from my own lips. Sometimes, that’s enough.


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2 thoughts on “Who I write for…

  1. I think there are probably many people reading your Blog; however, with WordPress a person needs to “log in” to either LIKE your post or leave a comment. This is too bad, because people who might want to comment, but do not want to create an account read and move on. Also, a friend told me that UNLESS a person CLICKS on a particular story, the LIKE and COMMENT features to that particular post do not show up at the end of the article… again a fault in the program. I believe we write for ourselves and also in the hopes that what we share inspire/motivate others. Keep going Blue!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I know that your posts have motivated me, so I can wholeheartedly agree! Write on!!! ^.^


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